Stretch and Fold

stretch and fold

In bread making, the “stretch and fold” technique is a method used to strengthen the dough during the bulk fermentation stage, often in place of kneading. It’s particularly common in making high-hydration doughs like sourdough or artisan bread.

How It Works:

  1. Stretch: You gently grab one edge of the dough and stretch it out without tearing.
  2. Fold: Then, fold that stretched portion back over the dough.
  3. Repeat: You turn the dough (quarter turn) and repeat the process on all sides (usually 4 folds per session).


  • Strengthen gluten: It helps develop the gluten network, which improves the dough’s structure and elasticity.
  • Gentle handling: It’s a gentler alternative to kneading, especially for wet dough, reducing the risk of over-handling.
  • Improves texture: Creates better dough consistency, leading to a more open crumb structure in the final loaf.

This method is often repeated multiple times at regular intervals during the bulk fermentation, allowing the dough to rest in between folds.

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Hi! I’m Xian!

Food has always been at the heart of my life, symbolizing love, connection, and celebration. As a passionate home cook, I find joy in crafting sourdough bread, exploring fermentation techniques, and experimenting with Asian fusion flavors. Join me as I share my culinary adventures and blend these passions into delicious, innovative recipes.
